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Co-Creating Vital, Productive People and Organizations

At 3:1 Corporate HPM Solutions
we believe a healthy population and vibrant workforce
are key to America’s quality of life and competitive future.
We know individual well-being, employee engagement, and a healthy culture are directly linked to productivity, health, and employee retention.  
AND they are within your realm of influence…


The state or quality of producing something. Current research suggests and we adamantly agree, that psychologically healthy workplaces exhibit improved work quality and productivity, lower absenteeism, presenteeism, less turnover, and better customer service ratings. Our approach focuses on five workplace practices known to create healthy workplaces: 1. Employee engagement 2. Work-life balance 3. Employee growth & development 4. Health & safety 5. Employee recognition



The state of feeling alive, alert and engaged. We enhance employee vitality by promoting more active living, healthy eating and resiliency - tailored to the specific needs of your workforce, in concert with leadership development.



There's no question - engaged employees are high performers who impact business performance in nine key areas: * customer ratings * profitability * productivity * turnover * safety incidents * shrinkage (theft) * absenteeism * patient safety incidents * quality (defects) We'll help you measure engagement and implement appropriate engagement strategies for your workforce.



The scientific process of transforming data into insight for making better decisions. We firmly believe that "you can't change what you can't measure", so we vigorously and continually assess your program from the get go. Real time data and reporting will help you direct your health and productivity management efforts.



The ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. A resilient workforce is a productive workforce! We believe that learning to manage stress is the gateway to well-being, and the path to productivity. Stress management techniques are woven into everything we offer.

health·y eat-ing

health·y eat-ing

Eating in a way which promotes good health. From helping you design an environment where the "healthy choice becomes the easy choice" to nutrition and weight management programs, we help your employees understand that food is the fuel of productivity.

ac·tive liv·ing

ac·tive liv·ing

The pursuit of an active lifestyle. We meet your employees where they are - and support them in their efforts to squeeze activity into the nooks and crannies of their lives.

sci·ence of be·hav·ior change

sci·ence of be·hav·ior change

The study of effective and personalized approaches which achieve sustained behavior change. Our strategies are simple, innovative and bold - next practices based on best practices.



Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. A “one size” fits all approach to health and productivity just doesn't make sense. We work with you and your people to develop targeted health and wellness interventions customized to your populations’ unique needs.

3:1 Cor·po·rate HPM So·lu·tions

3:1 Cor·po·rate HPM So·lu·tions

3:1 is... 1. The expected ROI of a comprehensive wellness program after 3 years. 2. Health and productivity management solutions focused on the whole person; mental, emotional, physical.

© 3:1Corporate HPM Solutions 2011-2023

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